Dr Panduleni Itula on Tuesday submitted his nomination documents to the Electoral Commission of Namibia (ECN) to contest the upcoming presidential election as an independent candidate. ECN Chief Electoral Officer, Theo Mujoro confirmed that they have received the submission and said it was merely a matter of submitting his papers as an independent candidate to contest in the presidential election on 27 November this year. He said ECN will verify the submitted documents and make a proclamation in 10 days on whether the submission is accepted or not. “Next we need to check his papers as we do with everyone else and then on 18 October, the commission will make a pronouncement,” Mujoro said. Repeated efforts to get comment from Itula were futile as his mobile phone went unanswered. The nomination submissions to the ECN of presidential candidates and party lists for the National Assembly commenced on 1 October 2019 and ends on 18 October.

