

Special Olympics Namibia educates families on health matters

Special Olympics Namibia hosted a Family Health Forum to educate the community about family health at the Okuryangava disability resource center on Friday. Special Olympics Namibia is programme which caters for athletes with intellectual disabilities and is part of Disability Sports Namibia. The aim of the catering was to educate parents and families of the athletes registered under the programme as well as students from schools like Morison about the importance of a healthy lifestyle. Amongst those who shared their knowledge were dieticians, fitness experts, athletes such as Namibia's Gold medallist Ruben //Gowaseb and SON board members. "There's always so many questions everyone just wants more information so it was very nice for me to provide the community with valuable information" Jeffery said. SON Board member Julien Garises also shared the organisation's aim. "We want to make sure that we can make a difference when it comes to health issues to this athletes. Our biggest call to the nation is. Let's not be ashamed of our athletes and our people. Let them come out" Garises said Lee-Anne Abrahams a Fitness instructor also shared her knowledge with the families. " I did a various exercises with them that is easy to do at your house. The importance of fitness to keep the blood flow in your body going" she said. Parents and athletes experienced the day in their own way. "I really appreciate the efforts by the government, the schools involve, the kids that are taking part in Special Olympics. We as parents really appreciate the efforts that everyone are doing" Joao Alfonso who is a parent said. Athlete leader, Lindu Antonio motivated the athletes to give their best as they are often wrongly judged. "This person is a world changer. I encouraged this athletes to be strong in whatever they do, because we depend on them, the world depends on them, the world needs them, they are so important" he said. The day was sponsored by The Lions Club.

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Katrina //Gowases