The National African Students Association (NASA) is calling on the Namibia Student Financial Assistance Fund (NSFAF) to prioritise the equal distribution of non-tuition fees to all approved institutions. 

NASA's president, Vihemba Paulus, said this at a student consultation conference held at Rundu. 

On May 2, the association launched the NSFAF reform initiative, in which they consult students on their concerns about NSFAF and make recommendations.

At Rundu, students shared their grievances, stating that the non-tuition fee is important as it caters for essential expenses such as accommodation, food, and transport.

Paulus explained that NASFAF's Act 26 of 2000 and Article 4 of the Act outline the objectives of the fund, which are to provide financial assistance to students to enable them to study or do research in prescribed courses at approved institutions of higher learning.

He says the act is not consistent, as some approved institutions are not fully funded or are not funded at all.

After the consultations, the association is seeking to address various issues, including parental gross income, efficient payment of student funds, mature age entry, and the pre-determined rate of funding criteria.

Paulus says that with their findings, NASA will compile a document that will serve as a foundation for negotiation with the Ministry of Higher Education and NSFAF in July this year.

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NBC Digital News


Elizabeth Mwengo