The National Housing Enterprise (NHE) has delivered 21,545 houses across the country since its inception 31 years ago.

Currently, there are 120,000 people on the waiting list for houses across the country.
However, NHE Chief Executive Officer, Gisbertus Mukulu, says close to 45% of Namibians cannot afford houses due to high costs. 

He says that the NHE tries to bridge that gap by building affordable dwellings.

"These houses are three types; we have the one bedroom room, the two bedrooms and three bedrooms, and a bachelor room flat, which is around N$70,000 to N$80,000; one bedroom is close to N$100,000, two bedroom houses are N$120,000, and a three-bedroom is close to N$200,000."

The NHE has a five-year strategic plan aimed at improving service and introducing new designs of houses.
"NHE provides two types of houses: a core house and a conventional house for the person who can afford, particularly for the middle income, and we also have what we call a building loan; if you have a plot of your own, we will then be able to prove you with the building loan."
NHE is currently running projects such as mass housing, informal settlement upgrading projects, as well as low-income apartments.



Lucia Nghifndaka