The absence of a water recycling system at the Aus settlement, ||Kharas Region, could cause wastewater from a sewerage treatment plant to pollute the underground water.

Queeny Koopman, who is the Control Administrator at Aus, explained that the sewerage treatment plant has no system in place to recycle waste into drinking water or for other purposes. 

Because of this, Koopman says, the plant discharges wastewater into a nearby dry riverbed, posing a risk of underground water pollution. 

The sewer treatment plant was constructed to eliminate the bucket toilet system at the settlement. 

Alina Kadhila, NamWater Geo-Hydrologist, says a wastewater efficiency management plan is needed to avert an adverse impact on the local aquifer. 

The Regional Councillor for ǃNamiǂNûs Constituency, Suzan Ndjaleka, says the investment in the sewerage treatment plant was for a good cause. 

About 1500 residents at the Aus settlement have to survive on rationed water due to the depleted underground water.

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Luqman Cloete