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Aussenkehr Primary School at Aussenkehr Farms in the ||Kharas Region has phased out the platoon school system - thanks to the recent completion of six new classrooms, courtesy of Mobile Telecommunications Company, MTC. 

The school was forced to follow the platoon system, splitting learners into morning and afternoon classes, due to the lack of classrooms.

||Kharas Governor, Aletha Frederick inaugurated the classrooms and two storerooms - built at a combined cost of N$1,3 million, through the MTC Rural School Project. 

The governor urges parents to actively participate in the affairs of the school and in their children's education.  

"To realise quality outcomes, education  service delivery truly requires unconditional involvement and participation, there is a platform created for us, to provide the mandate to speak your mind." 

MTC's Chief Human Capital and Corporate Affairs Officer, Tim Ekandjo says the company, through its Rural School Project, aims to close the gap between urban and rural schools. 

To date, the project has invested N$5 million into the construction of 22 classrooms and four storerooms in five regions... 

"We decided three years ago that we cannot have these gaps between urban and rural schools because, for MTC, every Namibian child must get the same quality of education, and we decided that will go from region to region on an annual basis to either repair or built new classrooms."

The Aussenkehr Primary School Principal, Suzanne Kadhikwa expressed gratitude to MTC for the donation of the classrooms.  

" MTC you made an applaudable contribution by answering our personal call, by  helping us to phase out the platoon system."

The school opened its doors for the first time in 2000, to children of grape workers at Aussenkehr Farms, and over the years the numbers have increased to more than one thousand.

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Luqman Cloete