Nampower's pre-payment roll-out concerns


Local authorities have highlighted concerns over Nampower's prepayment installation rollout.

The bulk electricity supplier aims to convert all its distributing customers' conventional metres into pre-paid metres by July 2025.

Gobabis aging electrical network concerns


The National Unity Democratic Organisation and Gobabis Residence Association say the Gobabis Municipality is set to lose its electricity distribution license, if dilapidated electrical network is not attended to as a matter of urgency.

Census concerns on private farms


As the nation gears itself for the imminent Population and Housing Census exercise, Otjozondjupa Governor James Uerikua has voiced concern over private farm owners that act as "mini republics" and deny officials access to the workers employed on their premises.

BIPA concerned over low turnout of business registrations


The Business and Intellectual Property Authority has expressed concern over a low turnout of business registrations. 

The authority says it has observed a 7.3 percent decline in the registrations of businesses.