Poor road infrastructure a challenge in Kunene Region


Poor road infrastructure remains a challenge in the Kunene Region's remote and rugged areas.

Roads Authority's (RA) Manager of Corporate Communication, Hileni Fillemon, told nbc News that the RA has in this financial year spent over N$2.2 million on road maintenance in the region. 

Residents of Palmwag settlement celebrate opening of a clinic


Residents of Palmwag settlement in Torra Conservancy of the Kunene Region have welcomed the opening of a new clinic in their area.

The clinic addresses challenges such as the long distances residents have to travel to seek medical attention in faraway towns.

Man killed by elephants in Omusati


A 48-year-old resident of Oshitumbe B Village, in Omusati's Uukwaluudhi Conservancy, was killed by elephants on Sunday. 

The body of Efraim Shivute was discovered early on Tuesday morning by community members.

#NAMIBIAVOTES2024 | SPWC urged to mobilise masses to register


The Swapo Party Women Council (SPWC) held its second annual committee meeting in the Kunene Region, where its secretary, Fransina Kahungu, urged the members to unite and ensure that members from different communities register to vote.