Call for fisheries law amendment amid fishrot scandal study launch


The Walvis Bay Rural Constituency Councillor believes corruption in the fishing industry will continue if the Fisheries and Marine Resources Act is not amended.

Tegako Donatus is adamant that the current fisheries law gave birth to the biggest corruption scandal in the country.

Rent control bill in process


The Ministry of Urban and Rural Development (MURD) says an elaborate process is underway before the Rent Control Board is tabled in the National Assembly.

Namfisa CEO highlights regulatory challenges


The Chief Executive Officer of the Namibia Financial Institutions Supervisory Authority (Namfisa), Kenneth Matomola, has raised concerns regarding the current regulatory framework, saying it hampers Namfisa’s ability to fulfil its mandate.

Sanitary materials already enacted - Caley


The Deputy Minister of Education, Arts, and Culture, Faustina Caley, is steadfast in her argument that there is no need for additional legislation concerning the provision of free sanitary materials to schoolgirls.

Extradition Amendment Bill passed


Namibia will be able to extradite individuals at the request of another state, even if their conviction was obtained in their absence.

This is, however, subject to the successful passage of the Extradition Amendment Bill.