

Chamisa accuses Zimbabwe's electoral body of foul play


Citizens Coalition for Change (CCC) presidential candidate Nelson Chamisa addressed the media on Wednesday night, where he accused the country's electoral body of foul play.

Chamisa has expressed ‘serious concern’ over reports of polling stations that are said to have not yet started voting by the time of the voting deadline at 19:00.

Chamisa took issue with the fact that ballot papers for local authorities arrived late at several polling stations, delaying the commencement of the voting by hours.

Zimbabwe elections underway


The incumbent president of Zimbabwe, Emmerson Mnangagwa, cast his vote this morning at his hometown of KweKwe, about 200 kilometres outside Harare.


Mnangagwa, in an interview with the Zimbabwe Broadcasting Corporation (ZBC), continued to call for a peaceful election.


"Today is a very important day for our great nation. Let us remember the importance of unity and peace. The power to shape our future lies in our hands. Let's uphold the values of democracy and celebrate togetherness," said the president.