NPC approves N$60 million for UNAM Southern Campus Geosciences Building


The National Planning Commission (NPC) has approved N$60 million in funding over three years for the construction of the UNAM Southern Campus Geosciences building, where specialised laboratories, including the oil and gas lab and the hydrology and engineering labs, will be housed.

Impalila Island's low-volume seal road infrastructure to be inaugurated 


The completed low-volume seal road infrastructure at Impalila Island, Zambezi Region, is likely to be inaugurated in April. 

The construction of the N$60 million, 25-kilometre project as well as the upgrading of a loading port, which started in 2022, will be completed by the end of March. 

NamWater to rehabilitate canal in the North


NamWater is working on the rehabilitation of its canal in an effort to ensure that the northern communities have access to an ample supply of clean drinking water.