Namibia, Botswana launched joint civil-military cooperation plan


Namibia and Botswana today launched a joint civil-military cooperation plan aimed at sensitising communities living along the common border about the importance of peaceful coexistence and good neighbourliness.

The launch took place in Kasane, Botswana.

Namibia condemns coup attempt in DRC


Namibia says it remains resolute in its stance on zero tolerance for acceding to power through unconstitutional means, in line with the principles of the African Union, the AU Constitutive Act, and the African Charter on Democratic Elections and Governance.

African leaders push for soil health fund


African leaders and various stakeholders have committed to operationalizing the Africa Fertiliser Financing Mechanism in full in a bid to improve the production, procurement, and distribution of organic and inorganic fertilisers and soil health interventions.

AU membership in G20 a good beginning - President Geingob


President Hage Geingob says the African Union's permanent membership in the G20 is a good beginning.

Dr. Geingob, in an interview with France 24's 'Across Africa' programme in Paris, France, said this speaks to inclusivity.

SAATM initiative crucial for air transport growth


The full implementation of the Single African Air Transport Market (SAATM) initiative remains crucial for the sustainable development of air transport and connectivity around the African continent.