Quinton Steel Botha athletic straining camp kick off 2025


Started in 1993, the Quinton Steel Botha Athletics Club, named after the late Namibia Sport consultant Quinton-Steel Botes with the aim of grooming future champions, has started its 2025 calendar year today at the Independence Stadium.

Dr. Lemmer High School celebrates its 75th anniversary


In a jubilant celebration of 75 years of commitment to empowering learners and shaping future leaders, Dr. Lemmer High School marked this milestone with the Nedbank Relay Championship competition.

The event was filled with various activities, including the 100, 200, and 400-metre runs. 

Omaheke runners athletics club


The Gobabis-based Omaheke Runners Athletics Club will send a team of five athletes to represent them at the Botswana pre-tour Grand Prix scheduled to take place this coming Saturday in Gaborone.

As part of the trip to Gaborone the club has assembled a team based on their financial standing at the moment.

Botha discusses athletics.


Athletics is one of the most popular sports in the country as athletes travel across the world, breaking records and effortlessly putting Namibia on the map.Well-known coach Henk Botha discussed the development of the sport this week.