Omusati Men's conference highlights GBV


Omusati Police Commander Ismael Basson said the unprofessional attitudes of some police officers are discouraging for men who mean to report cases of gender-based violence (GBV).

Planning for the 33rd independent celebrations progressing well


Work on the Olufuko Center, where the 33rd Independence Day celebrations will take place on the 21st of March, is progressing well.

Omusati Governor Erginus Endjala is confident celebrations will boost the economy of the town and region at large.

Poor rainfall in Omusati Region a concern- Endjala


Omusati Governor Erginus Endjala says the poor rainfall experienced in the region has become worrisome for both crop and livestock farmers.

The situation, he says, has resulted in many northern communal farmers losing any hope for a bumper harvest this year.