New curriculum's implementation a challenge - NANSO


The Namibia National Students Organisation, NANSO, says there is a misconception about the new education curriculum, such as that it is not well crafted to respond to the needs of learners and the country at large.

Strict measures needed to monitor budget implementation


A strong parliament budget office is needed to analyse and take action with regards to debt strategy as well as budget monitoring.

This is contained in a presentation by Macroeconomic Expert Dr. Omu Kakujaha-Matundu during the 2023–2024 Mid-Year Budget Analysis and Advocacy meeting for MPs.

MEFT develops National Human Wildlife Conflict Action Plan


The Ministry of Environment, Forestry, and Tourism is developing a five-year National Human-Wildlife Conflict Action Plan.

The action plan comes after the Cabinet's approval of the resolutions of the first National Conference on Human-Wildlife Conflict Management that was held earlier this year.