Republican Party fights against legalisation of abortion


The Republican Party (RP) has vowed to fight tooth and nail against any attempt to legalise abortion in Namibia.

The Party's president, Henk Mudge, speaking at a media briefing, said they will only support abortion when the mother's life is in imminent danger.

Kasuto dismisses reports that government decided to legalise abortion


The Chairperson of the Parliamentary Standing Committee on Gender Equality, Social Development and Family Affairs Gotthard Kasuto has dismissed reports that the government has already decided to legalize abortion and that the ongoing hearings are mere formalities.

Baby dumping and abortion cases still on the rise in the country


Baby dumping and abortion cases are still on the rise in the country, with some that still go unreported.

Pastor AvShalom Nghifitikeko and Founder of Youth One Africa says the situation is worrisome.

Statistics indicate that in 2017/2018, 25 cases of baby dumping were reported.