Omaheke Police is working tirelessly to strengthen partnerships with community members in combatting crime such as housebreaking, assaults and theft.

The police is running an awareness campaign to educate the inhabitants on their role in community policing.

Inspector Fina Sakajengenga, Omaheke Community Affairs Unit Commander told nbc News team that building a positive relationship between the police and the community will help reduce crime incidents.

Sakajengenga added if criminal activities are not attended to on time it has the potential to disturb peace and cause disorder in society.

"We are having crimes of such as housebreaking, theft, assaults and robbery which are now our crimes of concern. These are affecting the community, so in this regard, we advised the community that they should be aware and take necessary precautions to take care of their houses to not fall victim to housebreaking and then they should also take care of themselves so that they cannot become victims of robbery especially moving around with expensive cellphones and avoid using bushy roads, take care of valuable items so that we cannot become victims of our items being stolen phones and money".

Inspector Sakajengenga is encouraging community members to set up neighborhood watches in their areas.

The regional police will continue with community engagements in various constituencies.



Ngarije Kavari