The Central North Regional Electricity Distributor (Cenored) has commenced the rollout of the TID (Tokens Identifier) project under the theme “Get Your Prepaid Metres Updated—Don't Be Left In The Dark”. 

The rollout exercise will result in 55,000 prepaid meters in the operational areas being upgraded by July 2024.

If the metres are not updated, they will cease to function on November 24, 2024.

The commencement of the TID was confirmed by the company's Corporate Communications and Marketing Officer, Chali Matengu.

According to Matengu, the software that runs all electricity prepaid metres worldwide will expire next year.

"Cenored therefore joined the rest of the world in rolling out the Token Identifier (TID) Project to update all electricity prepaid metres within our operational areas. This project will be executed by Cenored TID Electricians, who will be identified by the Cenored TID branded attire, Cenored branded cars, and Cenored Identification Cards.”

Matengu is now appealing to prepaid customers to cooperate with the TID Electricians by granting them access to their premises in order to upgrade and update the prepaid metres.



Faith Sankawasa