

The Office of the Ombudsman celebrated Constitution Day on Friday at St. Joseph Primary School in Rehoboth. The event was attended by Grade 7 learners in Rehoboth.

Friday marked the 34th anniversary of the adoption of the Namibian Constitution.

The event, which was also attended by the Ombudsman, Basilius Dyakugha, also saw the distribution of copies of the Namibian constitution as well as stationery to the learners in attendance.

Hardap Education Director Gerhard Ndafenongo held an information session with learners about their rights.

The celebrations also included a poetry competition. Caroline Bock from Ruimte Primary School won third place, while Adelle Diergaardt from JTL Beukes Primary School won second place, and Alexandra de Waal from Rohoboth Primary School won top honors. De Waal performed her winning poem, Rights of the Precious Namibian.

Photo Credits
nbc Digital News


Gordon Joseph