Independent Presidential Candidate Ally Angula has laid down her plan to cover her first 100 days in office if elected. 

Angula says her campaign stands on three pillars that are vital for helping Namibians overcome economic hardships.

"Immediate relief for our families of N$1750.00 for every Namibia between the ages of 18 and 59, as well as the increase in the grant for orphans and financial relief for widows. Money for local businesses in Enterprise Namibia of N$12 billion. Immediate jobs through our ambitious goal of targeting interventions that will create 500,000 jobs in the three years after I come into office."

Angula says Namibia paints a picture of economic turbulence, unemployment, and income disparities, factors that serve to worsen citizens' living standards.

Her cabinet, she says, will be made up of people with tested leadership capabilities, and she suggested she set up a team of 14 members from the National Assembly to discuss the National Budget, to be tabled on April 14.

"The national budget will make provision for the immediate family relief of 1750 and the deployment of public finance savings measures, such as the restrictions on international travel for all cabinet members. As per Article 32(g), I will on April 7 cause the establishment of Enterprise Namibia and announce to the Namibian public the head of these funds, which will be under the Presidency."

She says no subsistence or travel allowance will be paid to any of the cabinet ministers or any staff members from the office of the presidency on official trips locally.

Between the months of June and July, Angula says she will spend her time working extensively with Cabinet on a full and detailed review of the actual effectiveness of the departments within the public service.
Glimpsing even further into her envisioned future, Angula says she would spend the 100 days after this period reviewing local content on the oil and gas sector and on integrating the mining sector into the broader Namibian economy.

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NBC Digital News


Vanessa Ndjitaviua