

The Okakarara Farmers Association (OKAFA) has placed six mini hammermills at the disposal of farmers in villages in the Okakarara Constituency.

The aim is to help farmers produce livestock fodder.

Livestock farming, which includes cattle, goats, and sheep, constitutes the main source of income for most homesteads in the Okakarara Constituency.

Persistent drought has negatively impacted farming in the constituency, and therefore the Okakarara Farmers Association has stepped in, providing them with these hammermills.

Marine Diamond Mining company (Debmarine), through its Namibia Social Investment Fund, sponsored the acquisition of the six mills, complete with storage facilities.

To ensure easy access to farmers in the Okakarara Constituency, the hammermills are distributed between six villages. 

The hammermills are held at the Okakarara OKAFA headquarters in Okahitua, at Okahua, Okayepe, Orrui, Orupe 2, and Okarui Okape villages.

Photo Credits
nbc Digital News


Eveline Paulus