Seven youth social enterprises are to be recognised for their outstanding contributions to sexual and reproductive health matters.

The recipients were selected from among 170 applications received by the Office of the First Lady and the United Nations Population Fund.

The competition was the brainchild of Deputy Minister of Information, Communication and Technology, Emma Theofelus, following her being awarded the UN Population Laureate this year for her work in the population space.

She then decided to share her prize money with youth-owned enterprises identified as contributing to sexual and reproductive health rights in society. 

The criteria used for identifying beneficiaries include the number of individuals benefitting from their work, the potential for high-impact results nationally, and realistic strategies and plans for operating. 

"We have selected five judges from around the country to come and evaluate applications of young people between the ages of 16 and 35 years old that are running social enterprises in the country to be recognised for the work that they are doing through the social enterprises," said Efraim Paules, Award Coordinator of SRHR and Social Enterprises Awards.

Photo Credits
Emma Theofelus


Lucia Nghifindaka