President Hage Geingob has cautioned the new members of the SWAPO Party Central Committee to execute their duties with honesty and loyalty.

The Swapo Party's top four joined the CC members, supporters, and sympathizers at parliament for the opening of the Central Committee meeting. 

Dr Geingob emphasized the need for members of the CC to defend the party and its ideologies.

“You shall not divulge, what does this mean, you are not going to tell anyone else what has been discussed at the politburo, central committee, offices of Swapo, everywhere, if you have a problem with Swapo, come to Swapo. You took the oath, whenever Swapo is attacked, you must defend, wrong or right, then you come and complain later.”
Elected members of the CC were sworn in by the Returning Officer Joshua Kaumbi.

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Daniel Nadunya