Jones remains positive after Lions defeat

After last weekend’s game against Lions in Johannesburg, the Welwitschias will once again travel back to South Africa to face Pumas. In a Welwitschias media briefing, head coach Lyn Jones said that the cricket score they obtained against Lions was a sign of lack of fitness and increased pressure from their opponents. Jones explained that he took the defeat against Lions as encouragement, as it was made clear to every single player from Namibia - who has ambitions to do well on international level - that the standard required to play in the big leagues is high. Jones stated that if players in Namibia want to be successful, they need to understand that they must say NO to a “braai" and "YES" to a training session. If that culture can manifest and grow, then there will be a future that lies in the hands of all stakeholders. Jones strongly feels they are moving in the right direction, even though the most recent score may have come as a shock to many. It, however, created a better understanding for them regarding upcoming challenges in the Currie Cup, which commences in August. When asked whether the game plan would change for the encounter against Pumas, Jones said that the planning is good as is and that hard work is required at all times. He further commented that with exactly the same approach and the same game plan, they simply need to improve and understand that they are doing meaningful work. The Welwitschias will take on Pumas this coming Saturday in Johannesburg


Christel Kotze