Namibia’s blade runner Etchegaray Nguluwe to under go second operation

Namibia’s blade runner Etchegaray Nguluwe is set to undergo an operation on Monday. The 29-year-old blade runner was born with a clap foot. This, however, did not stop him from participating in various sports growing up. In the year 2016, he went for his first operation and got his blade, which enables him to pursue athletics. In line with the previous procedure, his leg now needs another correctional operation for him to further pursue his career in athletics. "To be a good athlete, you have to train everyday and to work hard. So for me I use to come to train sometimes three days in a week. So when I train I used to feel pain. First when I got the blade, it was a bit sore, so now the blade is wide. It is blocking my knee and I can’t lift my knee nicely and it hurts inside and the pain is too much now at the age" he said. Nguluwe told NBC Sports that he can’t wait to go for his second operation as his dream is to run always. Nguluwe and his biokineticist Bjorn Magg believe that the procedure is going to be a success . "I was with Etchy at the doctor and just also the way the doctor explained we are confident that this will change the whole situation,I’m very positive" Magg said. Etchegaray Nguluwe’s N$ 43 000 operation is fully funded and his recovery period will approximately last two weeks - filled with exercises which includes light rehabilitation. The aim is to participate in the Paralympics in 2020.


Emelda Muchenje