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Cabinet intervention cuts NamPower’s debt collection plan short


National power utility, NamPower’s debt collection plans have been cut short after Cabinet intervention.

NamPower was due to affect Stage 2 of power cuts on Monday and Tuesday this week, between 17H00 and 21H00.

Cabinet, however, directed the power utility not to continue with its debt collection plan, saying that the line ministries would meet and discuss the huge debt owed to Nampower by local authorities and NORED.

Nampower last week defied the Cabinet directive and forged ahead with the power cuts.

African Maintenance Funds Association calls for new revenue collection 


The African Roads Maintenance Funds Association is calling for new revenue collection strategies amidst threats to global fuel supply and the emergence of electric cars.

The outgoing president of the association, Ali Ipinge, says Africa is not behind with the concept of electric cars.

Ali Ipinge, who is also the CEO of Namibia's Road Fund Administration, made the remarks when he handed over the association's presidency to the incoming president from Cameroon, Moussa Essaie.