Namibia Arts Council conducts consultation on draft bill


The National Arts Council of Namibia (NACN) has started with its regional consultations on the amended draft bill and regulations for the National Arts Fund. 

One such meeting took place in the ||Kharas Region.

Water at Ngenda pose low health risk - Muyunda


Romeo Muyunda, the spokesperson of the Ministry of Environment, Forestry, and Tourism, has confirmed the water situation at Ngenda.

Muyunda stated that samples were taken from the water treatment plant in 2023 for testing, and it was determined that the water posed a low health risk.

NWR calls on Namibians to clean up Fish River Canyon


The Namibia Wildlife Resorts (NWR) management is calling on Namibians from all walks of life to sign up for what it terms the biggest cleaning-up campaign of the Fish River Canyon during the month of September. 

NWR keeps Fish River Canyon alive amidst drought


The manager of Ai Ais Resort in Fish River Canyon, Jaffeth Xoagub, has reassured hikers and visitors to the canyon that despite the low water levels, several water points have been set up to ensure an effective supply of water.

The Fish River Canyon is the second-largest fish river in the world. 

Oranjemund's nursery project plans to become commercial


A pilot nursery project set up by the Oranjemund Town Transformation Agency (OMDis) is in the process of becoming a fully-fledged commercial production unit.

OMDis was established in 2019 to build the town's economic resilience, transcending its historic reliance on mining activities.

Nekundi visits railway upgrades on Luderitz line


The Deputy Minister of Works and Transport, Veikko Nekundi, is in the ||Kharas Region to assess the progress on the Sandverhaar to Bucholzbrunn railway line rehabilitation project, including a familiarisation visit to the port of Lüderitz and engagements with TransNamib.

Exhibitors at OMDis expo thank organisers


Exhibitors participating at the annual Oranjemund Town Transformation Agency (OMDis) Expo thanked the organisers for providing them with the opportunity to showcase some of their products and services to the community of Oranjemund in the ||Kharas Region.

Oranjemund ready for business


"Oranjemund is ready for business." These were the words of Oranjemund Constituency Regional Councillor, Lazarus Nangolo, during the opening of the Oranjemund Town Transformation Agency's Business Information Session (OMDis).