RCA INTERVIEW | City Police upgrades surveillance system


The City Police have made an improvement in the quality of the surveillance system, which now has motion detection and flexible camera controls that can be adjusted from the CCTV room for detailed monitoring. 

RCA INTERVIEW | Lifeline/Childline marks over 2 decades


A major development aimed at providing crucial support to those in need, the Lifeline/Childline toll-free helpline number has been operating for over two decades.

The number 116 has become a vital resource for individuals seeking immediate assistance and guidance.

RCA INTERVIEW | Walvis Bay GBV meeting


In a significant move to tackle pressing social issues, the Erongo Region Governor will convene a crucial meeting with Walvis Bay community members today. 

RCA INTERVIEW | Veterinary Cordon Fence


Plans to move the Veterinary Cordon Fence, which is also known as the Red Line, further north are in place.

This was recently announced by the Minister of Agriculture, Water, and Land Reform, Carl Schlettwein, who declared some northern areas that were previously impacted by the fence disease-free.