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INTERVIEW | Land degradation a growing problem in dryland


Land degradation is a growing problem in dryland, as it generally indicates a temporary or permanent decline in the productive capacity of the land.

Namibia Connects anchor Ndishishi Hamufungu engaged Princess-Dolly Tuaandi, an agriculturalist, animal scientist, and specialist in sustainable restoration of land degradation in Namibia.

INTERVIEW | Dr Akuupa on Worker's Day


The world commemorated Workers Day earlier this month, acknowledging the historic struggles and gains made by workers and labour movements.

Business Today's Celma Ndhikwa spoke to representatives of the labour sector to gauge whether the efforts of trade unions and other organisations are recognised efficiently and whether trade unions are still relevant in advancing workers' interests at and beyond the workplace. 

Dr. Michael Akupa, Director of the Labour Resource and Research Institute, was among those who shared their views. 

NAMIBIA CONNECT | 2024/25 National Budget


The Minister of Finance and Public Enterprises, Ipumbu Shiimi, invited learners from various schools to witness the tabling of the 2024/25 National Budget in Parliament.

The theme for this year's budget is “Continuing the Legacy of Dr. Hage Geingob by Caring for the Namibian Child" and is focused on the deliberate intention to bring prosperity closer to the Namibian people by promoting economic growth while reinforcing the government’s vision of building an inclusive private-sector-led economy."


INTERVIEW | Divided opinions on President Nangolo Mbumba's role spark online debate


A lively debate has formed on social media and other platforms regarding the role of current President Nangolo Mbumba and whether Namibia's fourth president is deemed substantive or not. 

With opinions divided, legal analyst Yarukeekuro Ndorokaze weighs in on the emerging narrative suggesting that Dr. Mbumba, who was sworn in according to Articles 29 (4)(a) and 34 of the Namibian Constitution, is merely acting in that role. 

INTERVIEW | ANC reflects on its relationship with Swapo


The African National Congress (ANC) and the Swapo Party were sister liberation movements that collaborated closely in the struggle for the liberation of South Africa and Namibia. 

As we reflect on the passing of President Hage Geingob, nbc News anchor XXX spoke to Mavuso Msimang, a distinguished ANC stalwart, to share his invaluable insights into the cordial relationship between these allied movements.