Responsibility given to parents to safeguard children from digital realm


Enhancing the rights of the African child in the digital realm necessitates accessible and affordable internet connectivity as well as information and communication technology devices.

However, the Executive Director in the Ministry of Education, Arts, and Culture, Sanet Steenkamp, says this advancement also exposes children to the potential violation of their rights, particularly the risk of online sexual exploitation.

Mother desperately looks for her missing son in Karibib


A six-year-old boy from the Ebenhaiser Primary School at Karibib has been missing since last Tuesday.

It is alleged that Myne Oswyn left his mother's house last Monday in the Harambe location to visit his grandfather in the same location.

On Tuesday afternoon, the grandfather allegedly escorted the boy halfway to his mother's house, but he never arrived, and both the mother and the grandfather were not aware.