Katutura Central family left destitute after house struck by lightning


A house in the Katutura Central Constituency caught fire after it was struck by lightning last night.

Rain in Windhoek has brought relief to many but to some, it has caused distress.

The lightning struck a house on Philip Turimei Street and burnt down all belongings in the first room leaving the tenant in the house with nothing.

Destitute mother of five at Sauyemwa Informal settlement pleads for public assistance


A destitute mother of five in Sauyemwa, an informal settlement west of Rundu, is calling on good Samaritans to come to her aid.

Siyapa Maria Mayanga, a 37-year-old single mother, moved from Kayeura Village in the Kavango West Region to Rundu in search of a job after both her parents died.

Mayanga only relies on collecting bottles to sell to buy food for her kids, and at times she has to beg for food when she does laundry or cleans yards for the people in the settlement.