Water crisis at Omatjete affecting resident's resolve to grow food


Omatjete residents say the water crisis is affecting their resolve to grow food and diversify their farming activities.

The persistent drought has decreased underground water sources at Omatjete and surrounding areas in the past 7 years.

Community leaders say only one borehole has remained operational to provide water to the entire community.

A truck transports water from other areas to Omatjete about three days a week to meet the demand but it is not enough.

Omatjete settlement continues to suffer from water shortage


The residents at Omatjete settlement in the Erongo Region continue to suffer from a water shortage, and Senior Councillor Fabianus Uaseupuani has now called on the regional office to fast-track a pipeline project that can temporarily solve the problem.

Lazarus Ngairo said the water crisis at Omatjete, a settlement in rural Erongo, has been worsened by the drought of the past seven years.

After underground water sources decreased, only one borehole remained operational to provide water to the community.