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Gaob |Gaseb describes late Geingob as someone who enjoyed humour


The Chairperson of the Council of Traditional Leaders, Gaob Immanuel |Gaseb, has expressed his sympathies to former First Lady Monica Geingos, her children, and family.

|Gaseb, as the Chairperson of the Council of Traditional Leaders in Namibia, was among those who offered their condolences and sympathies to the family of the late Dr. Geingob at the private residence, Casa Rosalia, on the outskirts of Windhoek.

He also described the late Geingob as someone who enjoyed humour, had faith in people, and offered them opportunities.

Chairman |Gâseb advices against making politicising learner failure rate


The Chairman of the Council of Traditional Leaders of Namibia, Gaob Immanuel |Gâseb, has advised against politicizing the high learner failure rate of the 2022 examinations.

He says the government should be given the trust and support to come up with a workable solution that will relieve the impact this failure will have on the entire education system and country.

The chairman says the extraordinarily high failure rate is a setback for the economic and human development of the country.