25-year-old disabled woman appealing for assistance in securing a dignified ablution facility


A 25-year-old disabled young woman from the Okombahe Settlement, Erongo Region, is appealing for assistance in securing a dignified ablution facility.
Mercia ||Guruse was born and raised in the Okombahe settlement, situated in east central Namibia.

Born without limbs, ||Guruse recounts a tough upbringing, having to crawl on her knees and navigate rocky terrain often filled with thorns and broken glass.

She has never allowed her condition to discourage her from going into business and running her own ice supply operation.

Lack of ambulances hamper access to maternal health service at Okombahe settlement


Pregnant women at Okombahe settlement in Erongo's Daures Constituency are struggling to access maternal health services due to a lack of ambulances.

A resident in the area, Sibilla Gaweses, said there is only one ambulance that goes to Okombahe from as far away as Omaruru, about 75 kilometers away.
The road, she says, is not a standard gravel road, which makes it impossible for ambulances to arrive on time.