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Thu, 07/21/2022 - 23:11

It might not be rare for a group of regional governors to be in one place, especially at state functions, but a visit to a school speaks volumes of their care towards a Namibian child.

This is what happened after five governors went all out to visit the Swakopmund Secondary School, where they had encouraging words with the learners.

The regional governors of the Ohangwena, Omusati, Kunene and Oshana regions, have had a close-door meeting with Erongo Governor earlier. 

The keywords in their messages during the visit to Swakopmund Secondary School were self-discipline, endurance, resilience, self-respect, positive attitude and confidence as ingredients to success.  

Many schools are faced with challenges of resources, a situation that stands in the way of learners where persistence from their side is sometimes tested.

In his motivation to the learners, Erongo Governor, Neville Andre said nothing beats wisdom from teachers and parents as well as the commitment to school work.

"This country has a lot to offer in terms of resources but it is you young people that should make sure that whatever you do today will prepare the nation for tomorrow." 

Ohangwena Governor Walde Ndevashiya said there is no way that you will go forward in life if you are not self-disciplined if you are not focused do you understand if you have no respect for yourself or respect for others. 

Omusati Regional Governor Erginus Endjala said, "the regions where we come from, some of the learners are still taught under the trees because there are no classrooms because there are no buildings but you will be surprised that some of those learners in that condition they find themselves in, they excel in their education. "

The governor of Kunene Region, Marius Sheya said the only thing that I will tell you is that, if you get your attitude to write, you can achieve anything, when you walk into a room your confidence and attitude must announce that you are in the room you must not be a human that was created to just take in oxygen. 

The Governor of Oshana Region Elia Irimari said, "whenever you are appearing, people must see you and they must say we have seen that person we want to know who they are."



Stefan Uirab