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The Swapo Party has reiterated its position that the party's Vice President Netumbo Nandi-Ndaitwah is still its Presidential Candidate for the 2024 election.

This was said by the party's Secretary General Sophia Shaningwa when she addressed the Swapo Party Eleder's Council Central Committee meeting in the capital. 

Shaningwa wasted no time in affirming that the incumbent Swapo Party's Vice President is the sole candidate for next year's presidential election.

She, in this regard, dismissed reports as untrue, that the party will hold an extraordinary congress to elect a presidential candidate.

The Swapo SG speaking on behalf of Nandi-Ndaitwah also called for unity in the party.

Nandi-Ndaitwah says the Swapo Elder's Council is a great source of wealth of experience and wisdom to the party, which can be used to guide it to future success. 

The Elder's Council has also been called to promote the interests of the elders.

This is the first Swapo Party Elder's Council Central Committee meeting to be held following last year's 7th party Congress.



Jefta Tjihumino