The preparations for the annual Nama Cultural Festival are proceeding smoothly.

The Nama Cultural Festival is a significant event that aims to celebrate and promote the rich and diverse cultural heritage of the Nama people.

The highly anticipated 2023 Nama Cultural Festival is scheduled to take place from the 25th to the 28th of this month.

One of the main attractions of the festival is a captivating drama that portrays the life of the Nama people.

Storytelling has always been an integral part of their culture, providing an opportunity for both young and old to learn about their roles within society.

In addition to the mesmerising drama, visitors to the festival can look forward to engaging in panel discussions, live entertainment, and delectable cuisine that will tantalise their taste buds.

The Cultural Festival aims to create a platform for small and medium enterprises (SMEs) to showcase their products and services to the wider public, providing them with valuable opportunities for exposure and growth.

Photo Credits
Annual Nama Cultural Festival - Namibia


Natangwe Jimmy