The Director of Decentralization Coordination in the Ministry of Urban and Rural Development Godwin Sikabongo acknowledged that the implementation of the policy was progressing at an unsatisfactory pace. 

Sikabongo attended the dialogue as a representative of the Deputy Premier.

However, Sikabongo emphasized that sub-national governments must showcase their capability to effectively execute delegated functions.

He highlighted that regional and local authorities often struggle to demonstrate accountability for the functions delegated to them.

"It is also important to look at our part as the chairperson here has indicated to say how well we have executed or performed within our sphere of power and control, why am I mentioning this is because the central government in our engagement with line ministries and other stakeholders on the issues of decentralization, there are also issues that are being raised and pointed out in terms of certain limitations or certain experiences in terms of how we are managing certain issues, therefore, it is very important that even with the little resources we have at our disposal we should be in a position to show how diligent and effective we have been in using that.

The policy aims to decentralize decision-making away from the central government and improve public service delivery.



Chris Kupulo