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The Ministry of Agriculture, Water, and Land Reform's Resettlement Policy criteria are deemed ineffective.

It is against this background that officials from the ministry and various stakeholders from the Oshikoto Region met to revise three criteria for the policy.

The 2001 National Resettlement Policy was adopted 10 years ago to address land redistribution.

The policy has since not undergone review, and therefore some of the criteria no longer serve the purpose.

Unfair allocation of acquired land, poor agricultural productivity on the allocated land, insufficient pre- and post-settlement support, a lack of effective monitoring and evaluation of the resettlement process, and stakeholder involvement and coordination are problems.

The resettlement policy targets resettling previously disadvantaged Namibians who do not own agricultural land or Namibians who have been socially and economically disadvantaged.

The revision of the policy therefore aims to ensure fair and equitable land redistribution, sustainable utilisation, and improvements to the quality of life of the citizens.

Photo Credits
nbc Digital News


MICT Oshikoto