Registration of pupils in the Kavango West Region has been moving at a snail's pace.

School staff fear this may delay or interrupt teaching and learning as classes are set to commence on Monday. 

Schools started with registration on Thursday.

On Friday, the nbc News team visited some schools and found teachers waiting on parents to come and register their children. 

They say this is an annual occurrence where parents are slack in registering their children.

According to the teachers, from Monday on, registration will take place in the afternoon so classes can start on time. 

In an interview with nbc News, Director of Education in the Kavango West Region, Pontianus Musore, said teachers should send back parents if they do not have all the documents required for registration.

He further highlighted that the lack of school stationary by learners should not stop them from attending classes.

"The Ministry's position is that no child should be sent back home because they don't have stationaries or they don't have money to contribute to any kind of fund that is established at a school. Let the parents assist. However, as a directorate, we have also procured stationaries for schools. We are busy as we speak, starting at the beginning of this week with the distribution of these stationaries to the respective schools, so we are saying the government is giving stationaries to schools. Whatever the parents are giving is a top-up on what the government is providing."

Musore also calls on the parents to cooperate and support the schools if there is any agreement made between the schools and parents.



Elizabeth Mwengo