The work of a journalist can be daunting but rewarding.

However, the goal should always be to make a difference in one's environment.

Devi Sankaree Govender, a South African award-winning investigative journalist, shared the sentiments during Standard Bank's media engagement.

Journalists put their lives at risk and face numerous challenges to get information out to the public.

The profession requires one to be bold and daring.

Which sometimes leads to confrontations, threats, and life-threatening moments.

In all that, according to Govender, a journalist should be led by passion to inform, educate, and get solutions for the public.

Govender was locked up and assaulted, but this did not deter her journalistic work.

Standard Bank brought media professionals together to unwind and gain from the expertise of a media guru.

Photo Credits
NBC Digital News


Selima Henock