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Walvis Bay Mayor Trevino Forbes is calling on the business community, as well as those in the education, police, hospitals, and religious sectors, to assist the council in bringing much-needed services closer to residents of Farm 37.

Farm 37, better known among residents as Green Valley, was officially proclaimed a new township, following Narraville, which was established 61 years ago.
Situated about nine kilometres east of Walvis Bay, the new suburb can accommodate a potential population of about 30,000 residents.
Many people migrated from rural to urban areas in search of greener pastures in the hope of improving their livelihoods.

However, some have ended up in the town's shanty houses, which are in many cases constructed with discarded materials and have limited access to basic services such as water, electricity, toilets, or sanitation facilities.
Farm 37 is an area on the outskirts of the harbour town, identified in 2015 as a solution to the town's increasing land and housing demands.
It is against this backdrop that Forbes made the call to service providers to help improve the living conditions of those who moved to Farm 37 by investing in the settlement's development.
He added that the council is working around the clock to make life bearable for people living there.
Currently, those living at Farm 37 are getting free services, such as water, from the municipality of Walvis Bay.

Photo Credits
Municipality of Walvis Bay


Stefan |Uirab