As young people continue to turn up at the voters' registration points in small numbers, the Secretary General of the International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance (IDEA) reminded the youth that registering to vote is the only chance they have to choose leaders they want and have their voice heard.

Dr. Kevin Casas-Zamora said this when he visited various registration points in the capital.

Dr. Casas-Zamora's visit to registration points demonstrates the strong bond between Namibia and the International IDEA, which promotes democracy and electoral integrity.

He said those who registered should be proud of themselves. 

"I understand the figures that were shared by the electoral commission—that they are having challenges attracting young people to come register, and that is very unfortunate. I hope that young people realise that this is a wonderful achievement for this country to have a fully democratic process where every citizen gets to have a voice in the election. With the electoral commission, I have to say that I am very impressed with the work that they are doing, particularly when it comes to the registration of voters."

The Gammas Primary School has registered 540 people since the registration process started on the third of June, while the mobile team at NIPAM registered 70 this past weekend.

The registration process takes about five to six minutes.

Photo Credits
Namibian Presidency


Lucia Nghifindaka