Authored on
Thu, 07/21/2022 - 23:11

The Minister of Urban and Rural Development, Erastus Uutoni, has motivated an amendment to the Electoral Act of 2014 in the National Assembly. 

This proposed bill seeks to broaden the eligibility criteria for the National Assembly elections by allowing remunerated members of the public service, as well as members of the National Council, regional councils, and local authorities, to be nominated as candidates to the National Assembly.

The bill further proposes authorising public servants to use their leave days to campaign for elections.

It also seeks to allow public servants who are 55 years of age or older by the election result announcement date to resign or retire to become members of the National Assembly. 

However, it excludes members of the defence force, the police, the correctional services, and the intelligence services from certain provisions of the Act.

Uutoni stated that the proposed amendments will enable the upholding of constitutional rights and democracy, as well as the smooth administration of the electoral process and public service.

"Namibia, like any democracy, values the participation of all its citizens in the political process. These provisions enable eligible individuals, including those serving in the public service, to exercise their constitutional fundamental right to participate in political activities as guaranteed in Article 17. This promotes a diverse and respective government that reflects the interests and perspectives of the Namibian people, who may benefit from the wealth of experience of elected persons who have served in the public service."

Members of parliament also made their contributions to the proposed bill.

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NBC Digital News


Joleni Shihapela