Vice President Netumbo Nandi-Ndaitwah has cautioned against the excessive use of artificial intelligence (AI), saying it can render people redundant. 

Speaking at the Pan African Women's Organisation's 62nd anniversary, Nandi-Ndaitwah said, "I'm not anti-technology; we need it for development, but I'm worried because nowadays you ask a person to write a statement for you on our relationship between Namibia and Tanzania; within a minute, the statement is already there. Now, honestly speaking, is this the type of people we want to produce for them to save the continent? The democracy we are talking about will end up having elections run by artificial intelligence. Dealing with figures, where are we going? Are we really as Africans being part of this development to make sure that it is serving us but not to continue serving those who have been served for years since our continent got independence?"

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Vice President of Namibia


Celma Ndhikwa