The Chairperson of the Swapo Party's national leaders assigned to the Erongo Region, Alpheus !Naruseb, says that the party will not shy away from talking about the achievements made by the party over the past 34 years.

!Naruseb made this statement during a mini-rally held at Okombahe.

!Naruseb said many generations have benefited from the blood that was shed during the liberation struggle and the fight towards independence.

Therefore, he said the nation needs to be reminded of the party's immense input into the freedom that every Namibian enjoys regardless of their political differences, religion, or ethnic groups. 

He highlighted the track record of the party that rallied behind the call to fight for the emancipation of all Namibians.

He urged party cadres to prioritise discipline at all times to attract more members.

The party leaders are reminded to put the interests of the party before their own wishes.

He appealed to the residents of Okombahe to vote for the Swapo Party presidential candidate Netumbo Nandi Ndaitwah in the 27 November elections.



Stefan |Uirab