The Popular Democratic Movement's President, McHenry Venaani, has called on all delegates from the regions to promote the party's values and ethos.

He was speaking at the PDM's Trinity Congress launch held in Windhoek.

"As we face the critical elections that lie ahead in November, these congresses will serve as a litmus test to determine our ability to significantly enhance the PDM's electoral share. The stakes are high, and our commitment to the principles of democracy and fair representation must be unwavering."

Venaani stated that the movement's wings must amplify their voices globally and advocate for peace and justice.

He adds that the youth league is hosting its congress against the backdrop of unemployment among young people.

"Moreover, intending  our focus on domestic concerns, we are hosting a Youth League Congress against the backdrop of a major unemployment crisis. and you in the youth league should be seized, you should not be seized with positions. You should be seized with the complex question of young people being unemployed in our country."

Despite the endless hurdles faced by women and children, including elder citizens, such as gender-based violence, inequality, misogyny, maltreatment, and teenage pregnancies, Venaani urged the women's league to draft a comprehensive gender-based violence document, promote equal pay, and support economic empowerment initiatives.

The PDM leader also implored the elder council to advocate for improved care policies, better pension provisions, and stronger protection against abuse.

The launch of the congresses was attended by over 300 party members from all the country's 14 regions. 

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Vanessa Ndjitaviua