The landscape of education is changing rapidly as new technologies emerge.

Therefore, continuous professional development ensures that teachers are not just keeping pace but leading the way.

The Minister of Education, Arts, and Culture, Anna Nghipondoka, made the remarks during the opening of the three-day Namibia National Teachers Union's (NANTU) 12th National Congress held at Swakopmund.

Nghipondoka says the training academy will provide teachers with the tools to innovate, inspire, and impact their learners profoundly.

The Union launched its training academy, "NANTU CPD Training Academy," which aims to provide continuous professional development programmes to teachers by upskilling and reskilling in subject-related areas.

Through this CPD initiative, NANTU plans to offer a range of opportunities, workshops, seminars, peer observations, and collaborative projects, all designed to enrich their teaching practices and foster a culture of lifelong learning.

In an ever-evolving world, the Minister encouraged teachers to refine their skills and expand their knowledge to meet the diverse needs of their learners.

"The Ministry needs partners in all aspects of education and therefore welcomes the initiative by NANTU. Collaboration among stakeholders fosters a supportive environment for teachers. Furthermore, mentorship and effective training programmes will require collaborative planning to encourage the sharing of best practices and experiences. The union's participation in CPD will enhance a culture of professional trust among educators."

Erongo Governor Neville Andre says that the theme of "Building Resilient Education Systems for Increased Access to Inclusive Education, Lifelong Quality, and Relevant Learning in Namibia" is a reminder of the vital role education plays in shaping the future of the country.

"As education is the cornerstone of development, the bedrock upon which we build our nation's prosperity and progress. It is through quality and inclusive education that we can empower our children, youth, and citizens to reach their fullest potential, ensuring that no one is left behind."

Also speaking at the event was the acting president of NANTU, Daniel Humbu, who said, "We commend the government through the Ministry of Education, Arts, and Culture for collaborating with NANTU to host the Africa Federation of Teaching Regulatory Authorities (AFTRA) to discuss matters that concern our profession in Namibia during May 2023."

The congress will also host a ceremony where 30 NANTU members will be graduating from a labour study course.



Stefan |Uirab