Tsumkwe Constituency continues to face logistical challenges due to poor road conditions and limited transport infrastructure, affecting the economic growth and business operations in the area.

nbc News Senior Reporter Emil Seibeb sat down with Constituency Councillor Johannes Hausiku, who said there is a need for government intervention.

Tsumkwe boasts breathtaking scenery, and the land with its plants and animal life promises a flourishing agricultural hub.

But that is not the case.

The nearest ATM or hospital from Tsumkwe is in Grootfontein, approximately 300 kilometres away.

The road conditions are extremely poor, making it difficult for businesses to open shop, said councillor Hausiku.

"We have been appealing to the government for a tarred road, even if it only reaches halfway to Tsumkwe, to attract investors, from Grootfontein to Rooi Dak, from Rooi Dak to Mangetti, and from there to Tsumkwe."

Despite these challenges, Tsumkwe has seen some minor improvements in infrastructure and service delivery.

A proud Hausiku highlighted these achievements, including his intervention when children allegedly ate spoilt food due to a lack of electricity at a school establishment.

"We extended electricity from Marulaboom to Mangetti, completing the project by June. Because they said the food is getting rotten because of no electricity. This has improved conditions for the community significantly."

Speaking ahead of the national holiday, Hausiku emphasised the importance of maintaining order, particularly concerning the sale and consumption of alcohol.

He urged the community in Tsumkwe to refrain from selling alcohol through backdoor methods or at any time on election day and cautioned those who choose to ignore this rule would face the full consequences of the law.

Hausiku further encouraged the community to stay sober and prioritise participating in the democratic process.

Photo Credits
nbc Digital News


Emil Xamro Seibeb