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Zambezi NamPol's new Commander, Commissioner Andreas Shilelo, says the force will embark on a new community-oriented policing approach that will identify problems faced by the communities and areas of priority.

Commissioner Shilelo was speaking during his welcoming ceremony. "Another important approach is to strengthen the cooperative relationship with our neighbouring countries; Angola, Botswana, Zambia, and Zimbabwe law enforcement agencies and their communities that we interact with all the time.

He replaces Commissioner Marius Katamila, who has gone on retirement.

Retired Commissioner Katamila appealed to the region's leaders and residents to cooperate with the new commander in fighting crime. "I have no doubt that you will make a good team for any commander in order to take this region to new heights. It is my wish that my successor will find resourceful people in you all, and my humble request to you is to accord all future regional commanders the same working spirit and courtesy as was accorded to me during my stay."

Also speaking at the occasion was the Deputy Inspector for Administration, Major General Anna-Marie Nainda, who expressed her optimism and confidence that the new commander will deliver.

Also present at the occasion was Sibbinda Constituency councillor, Mike Lukaezi, who spoke on behalf of Governor Alufea Sampofu, and emphasised the security challenges that the Zambezi Region is faced with because of its geographical location bordering four countries.

Juliet Sibeso